Preparations for the 2025 Season are well under way
It is that time of year. The nights are getting shorter and all round the county and country preparations are underway in so many ways so that all of us can enjoy our favourite game. League secretaries are busy communicating with teams and sending out information to the clubs involved. Team captains are attending the AGMs of the leagues they are in. Club secretaries are working harder than ever as mail arrives from many sources. They sift through, respond, make entries to various competitions, forward information to committee members and general members. Fixtures are arranged, fixture secretaries worry they have made mistakes, meetings of all sorts happen. Treasurers make sure the books balance and ensure entries to leagues are paid for. Green keepers hope their close season actions mean the green will be ready when wanted. Chairs chair- which means being involved sorting out many things that most are unaware of.
Thank you every one who helps our club function in whatever role, however big or small. The more people who give a little of their time, the easier the burden is for everyone - so if you can help, then do!

Welcome to Aldiss Park Bowls Club
Aldiss Park Bowls Club is situated on the eastern fringe of the mid-Norfolk town of Dereham.
The club sits on the same site as Dereham Town Football Club, at Aldiss Park, Norwich Road, Dereham NR20 3PX, and has a large car park.
We are a friendly, mixed, outdoor club with an excellent green. The club offers opportunities for people to take part in a variety of ways, whether it be a game, chat and cuppa at a roll-up, or whether you want to take part in one or more of the leagues or competitions. The club has teams in several local leagues, both Bowls Federation and EBA.
Roll-ups on take place most Wednesdays and Sundays at 2.00pm—members, prospective members, and non-members are always welcome. A social programme is also available.
We actively encourage beginners and coaching is available during the season. No need for your own bowls, as we can provide initially, just wear a thick pair of socks.
Don't hesitate, come along and give us a look, or for more information please contact our secretary [email protected]

​Thanks to all who helped close the club down for the winter! Photos here
Annual Dinner/Presentation at Cafe Verde - photos here
2024 Season Highlights
Aldiss Park Ladies win the Breckland League
Aldiss Park Ladies win the Norwich 9s League
Aldiss Park Woodpeckers win their Age Concern area and go on to play in the finals day at Horsford
Aldiss Park Jackdaws finish 2nd in their Age Concern league.
Aldiss Park win the Dereham and District League
Club Competition Results - click here